"Gift of the Elements" - Online Class with Joshua and Louis
TIME/DATE FOR PART 1: 9-11AM Central/10AM– 12PM Eastern on Saturday, 3/20/2021
TIME/DATE FOR PART 2: 9-11AM Central/10:00 AM – 12PM Eastern on Sunday, 3/28/2021
PLATFORM: Online Zoom Event
TEACHERS: Joshua Inacio and Louis Purdey
EXCHANGE: $33/person; $22/person for Joshua’s Patreon Subscribers
Although we are surrounded by the fundamentals elements of life all of the time (i.e., earth, water, air, fire, and spirit), how much do we know about them and more importantly, how aware are we of our ability to communicate and work with these elements/elementals for the good of all (starting with ourselves)?
Part 1 of this class will explore the world of the 5 elements from a mystical and experiential perspective, connecting sub-atomic reality to the primal forces that build/maintain our bodies, the planet, our solar system, the Milky Way galaxy and beyond. Moving past theory/mythology, Joshua and Louis will also discuss simple and practical ways for participants to work with various Gifts of the Elements (and associated elementals/Angels) to improve their health and enrich their ability to manifest the highest and best in every area of endeavor.
Part 2 of this class will (A) expand on the ways that we can consciously connect with the Gifts of the Elements to develop our spiritual consciousness and (B) introduce participants to a new crystal grid (“The Grid for Illumination”) that will showcase the ability of souls, elementals, and Angels to work together to set the stage for the expansion of spiritual perception and the ability to serve others in the present/future.
This 2 part class is being started on the Spring Equinox because this is an excellent time to honor the Gifts of Nature, create better connections with elemental forces, and set positive intentions as we move deeper into the energies of 2021. Both parts of the class will include a guided meditation and a channeled message from the Divine Friends who work with us as we walk the Path of Light. We hope you will join us for this opportunity to learn more about the elemental energies that shape our worlds (physical and non-physical) and work with powerful gifts that are available to us all!