Originally posted in membership site on 3/8/21
In our activation on Sunday, I shared during that a key theme of this month is support - being open to letting support in, and staying open to it. And while we know that support is always there and with us, it is the variables of trust, self-worth, rejection that impede us from truly recognizing and receiving it in the moment. Sometimes we encounter our fear of missing out, and it’s so important to remember that doors open, they close, and they (or others) will open again. And so I bring that theme into this week as a theme to work with and observe. I also observe the theme of creating occasions to look at ourselves from a different perspective (particularly around the New moon) and asking ourselves what it means to be conscious. The week starts on a high note with Sun semisextile Jupiter on Monday; it’s a happy and “lucky” conjunction. I’m often inclined to use such days and occasions to direct energy to areas I have been procrastinating around or don’t know where to begin. A dear friend of mine has the expression “moving molecules” - meaning taking action in the vague direction of a desired outcome. A clearer day like today is good because we can see our way around problems, we are less attached to outcome and so we expand into it easier. The Moon is still in Capricorn, inclining us to be cooperative and responsible, letting us lead with our feeling nature yet not get lost in it. Hidden gifts of the day are understanding oneother easia little more, beliefs and where each other are coming from. The enthusiasm and cooperative feeling flows into Tuesday with the Aquarius Moon, a transit that helps us bring out the best in ourselves and others through our interactions. So why not make the most of this and do some meditation for intentional processing? This means we expand further in our peaks, and also do not sink as deep in our valleys. I’m saying this because Mercury’s connection with Chiron today can bring the tendency to doubt our perceptions, let anxiety get to us and diminish our confidence. Some pre-emptive meditation will open up the opportunity around this and show us what we need to know. On Wednesday, the Sun conjuncts Neptune (for most of the week), a once-a-year influence which makes us sensitive to the vibrations and undercurrents around us. These undercurrents can both be near as our household, and as far away as another country. Today our spiritual self, nature and awareness is amplified, which is wonderful so long as we don’t have many immediate responsibilities. I’m saying this because when we are consider everyone’s needs, sometimes it’s hard for us to steer our own actions and direction. On Thursday the Moon enters Pisces, and again we may get overly involved in the problems of others, and temporarily lose ourselves in the process. A friend of mine from years ago - a managing director, shared that he made time every day to stare out of the window for 30 mins because he knew that was the optimum environment for certain awarenesses and perspectives to come to him - and that by doing so he would be more focused in his meetings and dealings with people for the remainder of the day. Now maybe we don’t all have that opportunity but if you can schedule some wide open time to mentally roam, to simply “be” then you will find this balancing and restorative. On Friday Venus is semisextile Jupiter, another positive transit. The more comfortable we are with ourselves and allow our truer self to express, the more others will relax around us. This is reason enough in itself and has an exponential ripple in all directions, but even more so, it creates a fertile bed for important and illuminating conversations - trust that opens doors and births opportunities. On Saturday, a big event for the week is the New Moon in Pisces. A Piscean New Moon opens our intuitive vision to something higher for yourself and the greater community. Even so, let us be diligent lightworkers and only take on what is ours to work through - and yes that includes the negativity out there. It’s so important to keep our cup filled. A lot of reminders have been coming to me lately about being mindful who you listen to and to seek out those who make an effort to elevate their frequency. On Sunday we continue to have the influence of the New Moon, and also Mars is trine Saturn now, so you can freely put time and energy into projects that will return well in the long term. Think of this like a molecular piggy bank… drop a few molecular pennies of attention gradually and continually, and they will stay there, cohere and build on one another. I will speak briefly again about support. When we invite this from someone, we give them a gift. When we do so, we expose our vulnerability, yet this too is a gift and there is growth for both people every time this happens. The relevance of this to the Piscean New Moon, is that when you share a plan, hope or dream with someone, this is an act of vulnerability that activates someone else and their dreams. And this is the ever unfolding creative nature of the universe and how we build our future. This way we acknowledge a friendly universe, one that promises to continue to be so. Wishing you a beautiful week my friends, Joshua
Originally posted on membership site on 3/1/21
A very Happy March to you all! The Saturn square Uranus conjunction completes early this week, for which I’m personally glad because I’m almost out of ‘driving analogies’ to explain it! I’ll go with “hurry and wait” for today, and I credit my friend Crystal for giving me that inspiration! Themes of this week are control (particularly with how we reveal it), and expressing with a lack of inhibition. Both of these are related to letting go and moving on. On Monday even while we have the balancing influence of Moon in Libra, the Sun semi square Pluto brings some of our control issues to our surface awareness. And whether this shows up in external situations, at home, in relationship or even regarding something like food, the sticking point is that we expect better of ourselves, and frustration derives from that. While the Libra Moon gives us the tendency to want to “harmonize the issue away” it also helps prevent us from externalizing it and containing it. This allows us the time for discernment to recognize it for what it is rather than project it or avoid it. Yes, the way forward is always through. On Tuesday, the Moon enters Scorpio. A good day for concentration and for setting aside time to learn, figure out or make progress on something mentally taxing. A good day for reflection too if something has been weighing on your mind and heart since the weekend, there is the emotional availability go to the root. A note that we are complete with the Saturn square Uranus conjunction, and also with Mars in Taurus. While the latter has been long-term focused it has also brought out our defensive and somewhat stubborn side. Now that both are complete, this releases some energy for us. On Wednesday, Mars enters Gemini for most of the next two months, and (in sharp contrast to Mars in Taurus) we work better in this with lots of short activities than a long term plan. That said, what truly is the difference between these two, other than perspective and task-management? With Mars’ ambition, drive and flexibility, and Gemini’s fast pace we can easily get scattered and distracted but it’s a great time for allowing our interests to expand out and letting ourselves be open to new ideas. And this is amplified by the liberating and enjoyable influence of Venus sextile Uranus. On Thursday we have the Moon enters Sagittarius and Mercury conjunct Jupiter, both of which extend into Friday. Mercury conjunct Jupiter is a biiiiig energy, an optimistic and enthusiastic one! What would you like to do with this? Will you use it to bring levity and openness to a challenge? To bring a smile to a difficult conversation, or perhaps a burst of energy to something that has felt overwhelming? I’m suggesting some focus here, because high energy days usually have their windows of expression and you could go very quickly from being extremely chatty to unusually quiet. This may be where social distancing starts to have some new benefits, because on Zoom we can leave a situation with relative ease ;-) This continues into Friday as some successes and victories have your mind casting forward into next week. And this is the best place for your mind to be. I’m sure you have heard the fable of the “two wolves” - to paraphrase: the battle between the wolf of positivity and the the wolf of negativity will be determined by which one you feed. This is important because today we have a Sun Square Moon (where our inner self conflicts with the beliefs that we have superimposed upon it) and Venus semi-square Pluto, both of which brings the tendency to look for something wrong in ourself or those around us. Feed the wold of ‘future potential’, the wolf of ‘getting there in the end.’ Into the weekend and Moon enters Capricorn. There is the sense of the substantial, the greater calling in this coming weekend. Asking ourselves questions about of what we have achieved, and how we serve the greater good. Remember this is not a singular action. It is deep, earthy and quiet. It is beyond question, beyond incentive. Instead of looking at singular action, rather reflect on what has been done for you that you have deeply appreciate. These acts have deeply resonated and integrated in you. The intention to emulating and pay this forward will find its appropriate form. This is enjoyable, easeful, powerful, natural AND IT SHOULD BE. Our creator smiles as we allow it shine through us. Wishing you a beautiful week my friends, Joshua (Originally posted to my membership site on February 22nd)
Key themes for this week are “getting it done” and “living out loud”. And while I’m personally relieved to see the tail end of Mercury Retrograde, we still have the Saturn square Uranus influence - the “driving with the brakes on” experience I mentioned last week - continuing into most of this week. This caused me to remember an experience I had in Greece once, where because I was having trouble operating a rather ancient rental car, I discovered that I actually had been driving with the brakes on for about 5 miles. Anyhow, as soon as I realized, I stopped the car, poured some water on the brakes and rim, got back in the car and was considerably more mindful about how I was driving. So in case the analogy isn’t completely clear: when something isn’t working, stop, cool off, then get back on with what you were doing. On Monday we have Venus semisextile Pluto, while the Moon is in Cancer. It’s a day in which we can expect a few penny-drop moments, seeing the same thing with fresh eyes or coming to some peaceful surrender. Those of you in relationships can go deeper into your mutual belongingness, because you can go deeper in yourself. Even if you have been married for decades, there may be a “gosh I realize I’ve never talked about this” moment. Those of you not in relationships please also remember there are many different ways of expressing and conveying love well beyond “romance” - cooperation, listening, serving etc. The greater the capacity we have to feel love, the greater ease we have to share it. On Tuesday with the Moon still in Cancer we are moved by one our deepest values: belongingness. This is how we allow other people to remind us who we are, in the most positive sense. Mirroring is a beautiful experience when it involves compassion and receptivity. That said, life is a continually evolving educational experience, and we are always learning discernment. So be aware of letting your guard down too much or oversharing. Be vulnerable with yourself first, and that opens the awareness of what it is we want to share with others. Given the Moon’s connection with Pluto today, it’s best to avoid overthinking for other people. It’s a fortunate experience when we can live out loud and still be listened to, and on Wednesday we have a Mars trine Pluto which supports us to be both assertive and ambitious without ruffling feathers or triggering people. You can take this as green light to do what you need to do, say what you need to say to make something that you want to happen. I usually don’t pull cards to do these messages, but if I were to, I feel the 4 of Cups would show up. It’s a reminder that anything I want for the future, I can find NOW through a feeling or a vibrational resonance. It is within me. Within all of us. Right now. On Thursday, Venus enters Pisces until late March giving more expression to the “living out loud” experience. This transit helps us hear the spaces between the words, to see the different shades in the painting to perceive more in others and extend ourselves further as a result. Remember to allow that to return to you as well, because sometimes it is so much easier to be compassionate to other people, to accept and forgive them than it is to ourselves. The influence of Venus here makes us tender and enjoyable to be around, yet the shadow side can make us evasive and occasionally unsure of what it is that we need. Lets also remember then, that no one can tell us what we truly want and need - they can help us uncover it - but it is our own spiritual path to seek and discover this. May I celebrate the detail-oriented people in our world for a moment? The people who play down the effort they go to think things through, the people who have been told they are ‘controlling’ by the “go with the flow, man” people? Well Friday is their day - the Moon enters Virgo and we have a greater awareness of physical needs and details. Even emotions feel physical. Now an element of this is the beginning of the pull of tomorrow’s Full Moon. And this is supported by activities of the Sun: first with Saturn bringing perseverance, follow-through and no mistakes; and second with Uranus which brings enough pleasant surprise and inspiration to buy your energy to go the distance. On Saturday we have a Full Moon in Virgo, and while the full Moon is the actualization of what began at the New Moon, this is an interesting one as the New Moon brought some beautiful changes with it. In this case, making positive change is easier. I have already said in this message that people cannot tell us what we need. So if you make special time on the Full Moon, think in terms of expressing - there is much we can do ourselves through writing, moving, singing or whatever your particular flavor is. This Full Moon is also connected with the Saturn square Uranus that has been present since last week, relating to the challenge of immediate changes; when and how to act. But remember that in each challenge some energy of the whole is moved and the longer term activities get easier. The astrological pendulum we are swinging between here is between Virgo and Pisces - between a need for order, physicality and the day-to-day (Virgo) and our spiritual nature (Pisces). A useful question to ask or reflect on is what is truly your responsibility. On Sunday, while still in the influence of the Full Moon, the Moon enters Libra. I’m reminded of the nebulous nature of balance, and how we think it either magically happens or doesn’t happen. Very often we have to do something to effect balance in our life - whether to start something or stop something. In this case to create balance, get things off your list. Is there a call to make, an errand to run? Watch the momentum build and your energy lighten as you unburden yourself and pick things off. And then go out and be social (or stay in and be social) and see how much more of “you” you show up with. It’s so simple to say, but ‘peace’ expands as its opposite diminishes. Wishing you a beautiful week my friends, Joshua |
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